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Sunday, July 29, 2018

KPK: PTI wins clear majority in KP to form govt, official results show

Imran Khan-led party wins 66 general seats out of 99

KPK: PTI wins clear majority in KP to form govt, official results show

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) will continue to rule the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the first consecutive time as it has bagged clear majority in the General Elections.

According to official results shared by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), the Imran Khan-led party has won 66 seats out of total 99 seats. He will also get reserved seats accordingly.

Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal Pakistan (MMAP) has secured 10 seats in the provincial assembly, Awami National Party (ANP) 6, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) 5, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) 4, while six seats has been won by independent candidates.

The results of a seat PK-80 is yet to be announced by the electoral commission, while elections in two constituencies – PK-78 and PK-80 – has been postponed and will be held later.

PTI’s Pervez Khattak ruled the province through coalition government for five years till 2018 after general elections in 2013. In the previous elections, the Imran Khan’s party had won 38 general seats and 10 reserved.

The official results for National Assembly show the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf on the top with 110 seats, making it enable to form the new government in the country for the first time.

PUNJAB: PTI, PMLN in cut throat tiff to form government as ECP reveals official results

PUNJAB: PTI, PMLN in cut throat tiff to form government as ECP reveals official results

LAHORE > The party position for the Punjab Assembly has become clear, two days after  Pakistan concluded its 11th General Elections, with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf clearly in a position to form a government but with a little effort.

According to the statistics released by the Election Commission of Pakistan, the results for as many as 294 seats of the provincial assembly are out with Pakistan Muslim league Nawaz leading the race by securing  127 seats.

The second party in line is Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf which has secured 122 seats of the provincial assembly.

The independent candidates fall third in the race who have gained 29 seats becoming the swing factor in the elections.

Pakistan Muslim League has defeated the opponents on 7 seats of the contest for the provincial assembly with Pakistan Peoples Party garnering 6 seats.

Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), Pakistan Muslim League-Functional, Pakistan Awami Raj secured single seat of the assembly that represents over 110 million.

Who can Form the Government?

Although PML-N is leading the race in Punjab, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf can easily form the government in the province primarily due to the fact that the party is all set to form a government in the centre.

As PTI is sure to take over the reins of government at the federal level, the independent candidates must be in an easy position to side with it at the provincial level so as not to have any clash with the centre in five years down the road.

However, the possibility of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz luring in independents cannot be ruled out as the party is well experienced in attracting the all-powerful legislators.

In any case, the independents would be deciding whether to award the government to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf or to go with Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz for another five years, stirring a nail-biting contest in the province.

Any Forward Block?

Another factor, which can altogether change the political landscape is the formation of any forward block. If sizeable legislator (generally over 48) side with any political party, the said party will be able to form a government in Punjab.

Though no sure shot prediction can be made in this regard, a political stroke can be played by the former interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan who can become the leader of the forward block and can attract lawmakers from PMLN to pledge allegiance to PTI.

The next week is crucial as PTI and PMLN would be having a cut throat competition in Punjab.

BALOCHISTAN: BAP-led coalition government expected in Balochistan as ECP uncovers poll results

BALOCHISTAN: BAP-led coalition government expected in Balochistan as ECP uncovers poll results

BAP wins 13 general seats out of 51 while PTI bags 4 seats

Islamabad >  A new political party, comprising disgruntled leaders of PML-N and PML-Q, named Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) is likely to form a coalition government in Balochistan as it has bagged more seats in the 11th General Elections.

According to official results released by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), the BAP, which was launched in March by former chief minister Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, won 13 general seats out of 51.

The Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal Pakistan bagged 9 seats, Balochistan National Party (BNP) 5, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) 4, BNP-Awami 3, Hazara Democratic Party (HDP) 2, Awami National Party 2, Jamote Qaumi Movement (JQM) 1, Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party 1, Pakistan Muslime League-Nawaz (PML-N) 1 while five independent candidates have bagged victory in the province.

The results for four provincial seats are awaited and election in one constituency has been postponed.

It is expected that the PTI, which is on the top in National Assembly seats, would join hands with the BAP for forming the coalition government.

Fawad Chaudhry, a spokesperson of the PTI, talking to a private news channel on Thursday hinted at sitting on the treasury benches in the Balochistan.

SINDH: PPP outshines Sindh as ECP unveils official results for provincial assembly

SINDH: PPP outshines Sindh as ECP unveils official results for provincial assembly

Karachi >
Pakistan Peoples Party is now in a comfortable position to reform the government in the Sindh province as it has secured majority in the 11th General Elections.

According to the official results revealed by the Election Commission of Pakistan for 128 seats of Sindh Assembly, PPP has secured 74 seats, paving way for the party to rule the province for the third time in a row.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has garnered the second spot in the electoral race with some 22 seats to their name.

The embattled Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan has won 16 seats of the provincial assembly, in some relief to the party which has been under the clouds ever since the party chief made an Anti-Pakistan speech in August 2016.

The Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) has secured 11 seats in the elections with Tehreek-e-Labbaik and independent candidates gaining two seats each.

Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), a coalition of religious factions, has failed to impress the public in Sindh as it gained only a single seat.

Looking at the numbers game, it becomes visible that PPP will make a coalition government in the province, paving way for them to rule the province for 15 years in a row.

The most surprising part of the results is the defeat of Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) led by Mustafa Kamal, who made tall claims before the elections and also attracted politicians from MQM and PPP but failed to gain a single seat in the electoral battle.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

China vows to continue work with new govt

BEIJING > Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said after the election process in Pakistan, China would continue to work with the new government to enhance cooperation in different fields.

China vows to continue work with new govt

Replying to question at the regular press conference here on Tuesday, he said, “We are willing to work with the new Pakistani government to continue to consolidate political mutual trust, deepen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and promote new progress in the all-weather strategic partnership between the two countries.”

The question was asked that Imran Khan, the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) criticized some projects of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) saying suspected of corruption, what is China’s comment? After the election, how China can promote the relationship with the new government and how to promote the construction of the CPEC?

Geng Shuang replied that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a strategic cooperation framework set by the leaders of the two countries with a view to the long-term development of both countries.

He said that the CPEC played an important role in the economic and social development of Pakistan and the improvement of people’s living standards and received the full support of the Pakistani government and people.

“We believe that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will be steadily advanced in accordance with the consensus reached by China and Pakistan and will not be interfered by other factors,” he added.

Geng mentioned that at present, China-Pakistan’s all-weather strategic partnership has developed very well.

Around 53,000 observers to monitor July 25 elections

ISLAMABAD > As many as 53,000 international, national, local and media observers will monitor the upcoming general election scheduled to be held on July 25.

Around 53,000 observers to monitor July 25 elections

A European Union Election Observation Mission (EUEOM) comprising around 100 observers is scheduled to monitor the election process.

The mandate of the EUEOM is to observe all aspects of the electoral process and assess the extent to which the elections are in compliance with the laws of Pakistan, as well as with international and regional commitments for democratic elections to which Pakistan is a signatory.

The mission had received accreditation for its long-term observers, allowing for their deployment in the coming days. Soon after the election day, the mission will issue a preliminary statement.

The mission will stay in Pakistan until September to compile a comprehensive final report including recommendations for future electoral processes, will be published approximately two months later.

The main objectives of EU Election Observation are to support the democratic process in partner countries, enhance public confidence in the electoral process and strengthen respect for human rights and rule of law.

Besides this around 400 international observers from various countries will also monitor the election process.

Around 50,000 national, local observers have also been issued accreditation cards to monitor the election process, while 30,000 media personnel across the country will also visit the polling stations to observe the process.

Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) will monitor the election process in 85 per cent of total polling stations to be set up by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for elections.

Sarfraz Ahmad appealed whloe Nation for Vote 2018 Election

Sarfraz Ahmad appealed whloe Nation for Vote 2018 Election

Sarfraz Ahmed, captain of the national cricket team, has appealed to the whole nation to take part in the election and cast their votes.

According to details, the Pakistan team returned home after Zimbabwe, captain Sarfraz Ahmed reached Karachi and other players will return home today through different flights.

Talking to the media on the airport, Sarfraz Ahmed said that in the semifinal series Pakistan played a big success, we defeated the strong team like Australia, Prakhha Zaman's performance proved to be very good.

People should vote tomorrow and vote in the historic elections, Imran Khan
He commented on national politics and appealed to the nation to take part in the election and use their own opinion.

It is clear that tomorrow 25 July the general elections are being held throughout the country, which is ready and the delivery of military operations in polling stations has been delivered to Belt Paris.

The country's political parties and independent candidates have come to the field to win the national and provincial assemblies, while hundreds of Pakistanis will use their own opinion.

FIA directed to take action against ‘exploiters’ on social media

ISLAMABAD > Senate Standing Committee on Interior has directed Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to take action against those who exploit social media for wrong propaganda, mislead nation and use abusive language against the opponents.

FIA directed to take action against ‘exploiters’ on social media

Chairing a meeting here, Senator Rehman Malik said social media has become a necessity of time and gained importance worldwide.

The meeting was also attended by Senators including Attique Sheikh, Talha Mahmood and Kulsoom Parveen, and officials of Ministry of Interior and FIA, reported the state-run wire service.

The meeting was briefed on measures against spreading objectionable content on social media.

Malik said, “We are not in favour of restricting any media including social media and will not let anyone to do so. Our reservations are on wrongly usage of social media.”

“No one should be allowed to insult someone, he said and added constitution and law of land allow freedom of expression.”

Rehman Malik asked the nation, particularly the youth to positively use social media.

The Committee observed that a character assassination of Senator Talha Mahmood on social media has badly affected his reputation. The campaign against the Senator Talha was totally
wrong and those responsible for this negative activity should be taken to task.

The Committee acknowledged Senator Talha Mahmood and his social welfare activities. The Committee emphasized that negative campaign against any personality or the country should be reported to Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA).

The Committee also directed that social media needs to be regulated under the law.

Moreover, the Committee was informed that political personalities like Shehla Raza and Aisha Gulalai were defamed through fake social media accounts.

Pakistani engineering student designs world’s first voice controlled wheelchair

GOBEE can connect to any smartphone via Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi allowing its user to control it even if they are 100 feet away from the wheelchair

Pakistani engineering student designs world’s first voice controlled wheelchair

LAHORE > A Pakistani engineering student has designed an automated wheelchair – the first of its kind in the world – which is controlled by smartphone and voice command.

Faaiz Arbab, a student of MS electrical engineering at LUMS, has designed ‘GOBEE’ to assist the physically challenged people through smart technologies integrated into the wheelchair.

GOBEE can connect to any smartphone via Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi allowing its user to control it even if they are 100 feet away from the wheelchair.

Additional features of the wheelchair include an anti-rusting and water repellent body with alloy rim wheels combined with a sofa seat that has an anti-sweat technology.

The initial price of the wheelchair is Rs100,000 but the designers hope its price will be reduced when produced on a mass level.

Being the founder of Ayub Yaqoob Engineering Company (AYECo), Faaiz has already started distributing GOBEE in Pakistani market. In future, the product may also be exported after its compliance with International Health Regulations (IHR) of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Arbab has urged the government and state departments to help his team produce this innovative machine on commercially.

GOBEE wheelchair has been awarded best Consumer Product Design Award (2018) by the National Design Awards (NDA).

‘All is well’ – Pims doctors on Nawaz Sharif’s condition

‘All is well’ – Pims doctors on Nawaz Sharif’s condition

RAWALPINDI> A medical board of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) examined former prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s health for the second straight day on Tuesday and declared his medical reports satisfactory. 

The medical board, comprising doctors from the Pims, conducted his echocardiography, ultrasound, and echo tests. His blood pressure and sugar level were also tested.

It said his medical reports turned out to be satisfactory, It would suggest a future plan of action with regard to the health of Nawaz in light of the outcome of his medical tests.

Meanwhile, the former premier has been advised to continue taking medicines related to heart ailment and drink as much water as possible.

The medical board also visited the prison a day earlier to give him a check-up after he was said to be suffering from dehydration and high blood urea.

In the preliminary report compiled after the first checkup, the board decided that Nawaz should be given medical treatment within the confines of Adiala Jail.

President Mamnoon Hussain on Monday expressed concern over reports about the condition of the three-time prime minister and issued directives for provision of all treatment facilities to him.

The president telephoned caretaker Prime Minister retired Justice Nasirul Mulk and directed him to ensure that the three-time premier is provided complete treatment inside the prison.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Chaudhry Nisar confident ‘none can stop jeep’

TAXILA> Disgruntled PML-N leader and former interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Monday said that he is confident none can stop the “jeep on its path to victory”, ARY News reported.

Chaudhry Nisar confident ‘none can stop jeep’

Addressing an election rally in Taxila, the former interior minister urged people to persuade more and more people to vote for jeep (his electoral symbol) to assure his victory as an independent candidate.

“We will beat all our opponents, not on one seat, but all four seats,” said Nisar.

Nisar criticised all his opponents by saying that even top political parties have not announced any plan to steer the country out of financial crisis.

“Pakistan is at the critical juncture of its history but none of these party heads have any plan to resolve the myriad of problems this country is facing,” said Nisar.

The rally was Nisar’s last as the two-month-long campaign by candidates and political parties for general election will come to an end at midnight tonight.

He repeated his grievances with PML-N by saying that he was asked to apply for party ticket but he refused for he hasn’t done it in past 34 years of his association with the party.

It is pertinent to note here that the former PML-N stalwart Chaudhry Nisar is contesting as an independent candidate on four seats – two National Assembly and two Punjab Assembly seats.

NA-59 (Rawalpindi), NA 63 (Taxila) and Punjab Assembly’s PP-10 and PP-12 will see Nisar contesting polls on ‘jeep’ symbol.

The new constituency of NA-59 comprises areas such as Chakri, Chontra, Saddar Baironi, Adiyala, Rawat and other adjoining areas.

Nawaz Sharif meets Punjab, KP governors in Adiala prison: sources

RAWALPINDI > Governor Punjab Rafique Rajwana and Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Zafar Iqbal Jhagra have met Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supreme leader Mian Nawaz Sharif in Adiala jail, sources told ARY News on Monday.

Nawaz Sharif meets Punjab, KP governors in Adiala prison: sources

According to ARY News correspondent, the two governors have used their influence to met the former premier in prison and the meetings have been kept secret.

The governors had reportedly also not taken the jail officials’ permission to meet the former premier who is serving jail time in compliance with a July 6 court verdict in Avenfield case.

Nawaz Sharif was arrested on July 13 along with his daughter, Maryam Nawaz Sharif when the duo returned to the country. The arrest was in compliance with July 6 court order against Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz and her husband Captain (retired) Safdar.

The PML-N supreme leader was awarded 10 years in prison, while his daughter Maryam and her spouse Capt. Safdar were handed seven years’ and one year’s prison term, respectively.

Judge Muhammad Bashir ordered forfeiture of their properties in the Avenfield Apartments and Park Lane of London. He imposed a fine of £8 million (approximately Rs1,292m) on the former premier and £2 million (approximately Rs323m) on his daughter.

Besides, three convicts were awarded an additional one-year imprisonment, which will run concurrently for not cooperating with the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

The PML-N leaders had filed an appeal against conviction in Islamabad High Court (IHC) which issued separate notices to the NAB Tuesday on Nawaz Sharif’s plea to transfer the remaining corruption cases against him to another judge as well as on the Sharif family’s appeals against the Avenfield verdict.

The court dismissed their requests to stay the corruption trial of the remaining references, as well as the Avenfield verdict, till their appeals are decided by the IHC.

Nawaz and family are thus likely to remain in jail until the election as the hearing was adjourned for the last week of July.

Qatar wins ICJ case against UAE as UN rules blockade violated citizens’ rights

New York > A provisional ruling by the United Nations’ top court has found that measures put in place by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as part of its boycott against Qatar amount to racial discrimination.

In June 2017, the UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt, imposed a land, air and sea blockade against Qatar and severed ties with it, in one of the worst diplomatic disputes in the Gulf in decades.

Last month, Qatar filed a case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing the UAE of violating international laws by expelling thousands of Qataris – many of whom have family or own property in the UAE – and closing UAE airspace and seaports to Qatar.

It alleged the boycott violates the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) – including discrimination on the basis of nationality – a treaty signed by both the UAE and Qatar.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt are not signatories of the CERD convention.

ICJ ruling

On Monday, judges at the ICJ ruled that Qatari families affected by the UAE’s measures must be reunited, imposing a measure before The Hague-based court hears in full the discrimination case.

They also said that students should be given the opportunity to complete their studies in the UAE or to retain records of their studies to be able to continue their education elsewhere.

Finally, they ruled Qataris should be allowed access to judicial services in the UAE.

“Many Qataris residing in the UAE appeared to have been forced to leave their place of residence without the possibility of return,” the judges’ ruling said.

“There is an imminent risk that the measures adopted by the UAE could lead to irreparable prejudice to the rights invoked by Qatar.”

Lulwa al-Khater, Qatar’s foreign ministry spokeswoman, welcomed the ruling.

“This is only the first step on a long road to defend our rights, but at the same time this sends an early strong signal that there will be no tolerance shown to countries that take arbitrary measures against Qataris,” state news agency QNA quoted her as saying.

On June 5, 2017, the four Arab countries cut all diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing it of supporting “extremism and terrorism” and cosying up to Iran – a regional rival.

Qatar has vehemently denied all allegations.

According to Qatar’s National Human Rights Committee, the blockade has affected about 13,000 people.

The committee recorded 4,105 cases of human rights violations in the last year, including 646 family reunification violations.

Another woman lynched in India after WhatsApp rumours

NEW DELHI > A mob lynched a woman in India after rumours circulated on WhatsApp about child kidnappers, police said Monday, days after the messaging firm said it was curbing the forwarding of messages.

More than 20 people have been killed in similar incidents in the past two months, leaving both the Indian authorities and Facebook-owned WhatsApp scrambling to find a solution in its biggest market.

Police said nine people have been arrested and more are being sought after they found the middle-aged woman’s mutilated body near a forest area in the Singrauli district of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh on Sunday.

The accused men told police they caught hold of the woman late Saturday after finding her moving suspiciously and seeing a flurry of WhatsApp messages about gangs of child kidnappers in the area, local police chief Riyaz Iqbal told a French wire service.

“We are trying to identify the victim and have circulated her picture to all the police stations,” Singrauli police chief Riyaz Iqbal said.

Last Thursday the Indian government threatened WhatsApp with legal action, saying the “medium” for spreading malicious rumours “cannot evade responsibility and accountability”.

WhatsApp said the next day it would test limiting the ability of its more than 225 million Indian users to forward messages and remove the “quick forward button” next to media messages.

It had already announced new features to help users identify messages that have been forwarded and bought full-page adverts in Indian newspapers with tips on how to spot misinformation.

It has however stopped short of acceding to Indian government demands to enable the authorities to trace messages, saying its service would stay “end-to-end encrypted”.

Lynchings are nothing new in India, but the spread of smartphones to even the most remote corners has enabled rumours to be shared at lightning speed and in huge volumes.

The spate of attacks related to rumours of child kidnapping started last May in the eastern state of Jharkhand with the emergence of a video that has since spread across India.

People have also been lynched by Hindu extremists murdering Muslims and thrashing low-caste Dalits accused of killing cows or eating beef.

Elections 2018: Will Pakistan witness a historic turnout on July 25?

ISLAMABAD > Amid all hustle bustles in general elections that Pakistan witnessed since 1970, one point has been in the national debates over the period of time and that is ‘low turnout of voters’.

The voting turnout has been declining after the first direct general elections of 1970 when the country observed the biggest 63 percent turnout of voters and this time it is a test case for the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and all other stakeholders to achieve maximum participation of voters on July 25, 2018.

According to data provided by the ECP, the turnout of general elections held in 2013 was 53.02 percent as compared to the situation in the national ballot of 2008 with a 44.23 percent turnout.

The turnout of 2013 election indicates the possible circumstances of bringing the turnout to more than 60 percent whereas it needs to mobilize, educate and make people realize their fundamental right to elect and decide the future of the country as their civic duty.

Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has started a campaign to create awareness amongst the voters till the polling day.

According to the commission, the voters are required to bring their original computerized national identity card on the polling day to cast their vote. Green ballot papers are for the National Assembly seats while white for the provincial assemblies’ seats.

The Election Commission has also launched SMS service through which the voters by sending their CNIC number on 8300 can get details about their polling station.

A result transmission system has also been introduced through which the polling staff by using an application in their cell phones will send election results directly to the Election Commission of Pakistan.

According to ECP’s instructions the State Bank of Pakistan and other private banks have published the advertisement of the commission motivating the public to cast their vote in the general elections not as a common practice rather a national obligation. It has been observed that all the banks have displayed the add on their automated teller machines (ATMs) or cashpoints.

On the election day, the polling will start at 8am and end at 6pm.

ECP website goes down days before general elections

Lahore > Users are unable to get election data from the official website of the Election Commission of Pakistan as it ran into to snag on Monday two days before the general election in the South Asian country.

When users attempt to access the website it stuck on loading page with an ECP’s logo.

A maintenance work is likely to be carried out.

General elections are set to be held on July 25, marking the second consecutive democratic transition in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, political parties have intensified their efforts to get voters’ attention on the last day of the electioneering before a ban begin ahead of July 25 general elections.

The deadline for the campaign is going to expire 12 am today; therefore, the parties have scheduled to hold massive rallies across the country.

Who is Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui ?

The senior puisne judge of the Islamabad High Court has contested the polls from Rawalpindi on Jamaat-e-Islami ticket in the past

ISLAMABAD > The senior puisne judge of the Islamabad High Court, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui, once again made headlines on Saturday by criticising the alleged meddling by Pakistan’s premier spy agency – the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) – in judicial affairs.

Accusing the secret agency of ‘manipulating’ the judicial bodies and the constitutional courts, the judge claimed that he was conveyed that all references against him would be removed if he accepted the terms.

“We are not independent and our institution is in the hands of those carrying guns,” he told a gathering of lawyers from Rawalpindi Bar Association.

A corruption accused

Siddiqui’s remarks came just days before the Supreme Judicial is to hold open trial of a corruption reference against him, making it a first such case in the history of Pakistan. The hearing will take place on July 30.

Justice Siddiqui is facing a reference on misconduct moved on the complaint by a retired employee of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) for alleged refurbishment of official residence beyond entitlement.

On Feb 22, SJC had issued a show cause notice to Justice Siddiqui on another reference against him for making unnecessary and unwarranted comments about some “important constitutional institution saying such comments prima facie had the tendency of undermining the respect otherwise such constitutional institution enjoys”.

Critic of armed forces’ alleged role in politics

Siddiqui, who took notice of last year’s violent Faizabad sit-in, has been performing his duties at Islamabad High Court for last six years. He was posted as Additional Judge in Islamabad High Court on 21st November 2011 to represent the Punjab province, and was later appointed as a permanent judge.

Justice Siddiqui also made headlines last year when he criticised the armed forces for their role as the “mediator” in the agreement that led to an end of the sit-in by religious groups at Islamabad’s Faizabad Interchange in November. “Who is the army to adopt a mediator’s role?” the judge had questioned at the time. “Where does the law assign this role to a major general?”

But the first time Siddiqui gained prominence was when he sentenced the officers of Capital Development Authority (CDA) to fail for failing to demolish illegal Afghan settlements in the federal capital and for not enforcing judicial orders.

‘Foot soldier’ of Lawyers’ Movement

He is the same judge who, in 2013, ruled that Pervez Musharraf, the man who was once Pakistan’s all-powerful military ruler, should be tried on terrorism charges for sacking top judges towards the end of his eight-year rule in 2007.

In his judgment, Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui ruled that confining judges to house arrest was an “act of terrorism”. He said Musharraf had “spread fear in the society, insecurity among the judicial officers, alarm in the lawyers’ community and terror throughout Pakistan”.

The ruling and subsequent arrest prompted the former army chief to flee from the court and take refuge in his home in Islamabad’s Chak Shahzad, before escaping to Dubai.

Siddiqui also actively took part in the Lawyers’ Movement for the restoration of superior judiciary, especially former Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary, following the emergency imposed by the Gen (r) Musharraf in 2007. He was also arrested by Rawalpindi police for staging a protest.

‘Supporter of Maulvi Abdul Aziz’

As an attorney in 2007, Justice Siddiqui represented and helped bail out Maulana Abdul Aziz who was charged in multiple cases in connection with the Lal Masjid standoff.

‘Champion of anti-blasphemy laws’

Siddiqui, who is the senior most judge after Islamabad High Court’s chief justice, had also taken a notice of blasphemous content on the social media, which was later removed on court order. Officials from Facebook also visited the country and assured such controversial content would not be uploaded on the social networking site in future.

He was also part of the two member bench which excluded anti-terrorism clauses from the case against Mumtaz Qadri, the killer of former Punjab governor Salman Taseer, but upheld his conviction under Section 302 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC).

‘Upholder of peace’

It was Justice Siddiqui who had restricted all kinds of protests to Democracy Park and Speech Corner (DPSC) at Parade Ground near Shakarparian last year.

Justice Siddiqui on October 31, 2016, also stopped the PTI from locking down the federal capital and asked the party to hold its protest at the DPSC which the district administration and the CDA allocated for political gatherings in November 2015.

The detailed judgment said: “In future, all political and/or religious protests/rallies etc., in Islamabad should be confined to the Democracy Park and Speech Corner without any discrimination, fear or favour.”

‘No Valentine’s Day celebrations’

Justice Siddiqui is also credited for banning celebrations of Valentine’s Day – an “un-Islamic event” – in the federal capital.

‘Once a candidate’

Mr. Siddqui has in the past contested the polls from Rawalpindi on Jamaat-e-Islami ticket, which he lost.

The judge, who was born on 1st July, 1959, in Rawalpindi, has recently donated Rs1 million (the net salary for the month of June) to the Supreme Court fund for Diamer-Bhasha and Mohmand dams.

In a letter addressed to the registrar of the apex court, Mr. Siddiqui said the receipt of the contribution might kindly be issued in the name of his late parents Qazi Aziz-ur-Rehman and Mrs Ume Kalsoom.

Most of the family members of Mr. Siddiqui are involved in parting education in different institutions. His late father was known as a social and political worker, who enjoyed the office of elected Chairman of Local Bodies.

Leaked screenshots of Saba Qamar are filling up our newsfeed for all the wrong reasons

Is this how we treat women in our industry and society?

Social Media > is a platform for us to not only check news but also to spread news, thoughts and opinions too however everything has its drawbacks such was the realization I got when a recent case of defamation started to surf the Internet. Superstar of our film industry and Hindi Medium actress is caught in a whirlpool of drama and controversy.

It all started as Saba posed for the camera during a shoot and was ready to rock her next look, moved to the changing room there someone decides to film her while changing and holding a cigarette  [which obviously was a prop for the look]. Now all of this happened without her consent and that too to get some ‘BTS’ ( behind the scenes). This cheap and low effort to gain popularity and defame a starlet is something which also happened with Mahira Khan.

I am not only disgusted by the person/organization behind this but also all those people who are making memes, writing hate posts and creating a scene. As a girl myself, I condemn such behavior and I stand with Saba Qamar. Let’s educate, let’s spread awareness and let it be known that we won’t allow such behavior with any woman especially such big name of our industry.

People are stepping forward and taking over social media in support of Saba Qamar with hashtag #WeSupportSaba Qamar and not only her fans but also her colleagues who know how for drama, extra clicks people can go to any lengths.

Mahesh Bhatt responds to Mallika Sherawat’s comments on ‘sexual harassment’ in Bollywood

Mumbai > Mahesh Bhatt gave Mallika Sherawat one of the biggest hits of her career with Murder. The actress, who shot to fame with this romantic thriller, continues to share a great bond with the filmmaker whom she considers as one of her mentors.

However, when the actress went on to recall her past incidents on how she faced sexual harassment and casting couch incidents in Bollywood, it left Bhatt shell-shocked as she never confessed or revealed these details to him despite the great camaraderie they shared.

Talking to the media, The producer has expressed his shock when he came across the incidents that were revealed by Mallika. He also expressed disappointment over the fact that if he was aware of these incidents, he would have definitely stood up for her.

Mahesh had also revealed that she was a strong girl and also expressed his anger over such people who made her a victim of their imaginary power.

On the other hand, Mahesh Bhatt also reminisced about the time he met Mallika Sherawat for the first time. Mallika met the Bhatts for Murder which featured her as the leading lady. He feels that the actress had the ire in her as she wanted to be the most good-looking and talented actress.

The filmmaker stated that in a place like Bollywood, where relations are often tentative, Mallika has stayed in touch in with him. He appreciates her for doing so despite travelling to places from the U.S to Paris.

Apart from being disappointed by the Murder actor’s comments, Mahesh had wished her all the luck in reports and also is quite happy about her going to places.

IHC allows ECP to proceed against Imran Khan for violating code of conduct

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Monday allowed the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to proceed against Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan for the alleged violation of a code of conduct.

The electoral body has issued the show cause notice to the PTI chief for holding rallies in Lahore, Sahiwal and Lodhran during by-polls despite holding a public office.

The PTI, later, challenged the notice in IHC. A single bench comprising, Justice Amir Farooq, conducted hearing in the case and the reserved verdict on April 26.

Today, the high court restored the ECP’s notice by rejecting the PTI’s plea and directed the electoral body to initiate proceedings in the case.

Earlier this month, the ECP had summoned Imran Khan for using foul language during the campaigning. He, during the hearing, submitted a written assurance of not again using the offensive words in his address.

In a public gathering in Narowal, Imran Khan had said that any Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) worker with a clear conscience would not go to the airport to receive Nawaz Sharif.

“And whoever will go to receive him will be a donkey (fool),” he had said.

Funny Live News Desi Style Update

NAB requests remand’s extension of accused in Saaf Pani scam

LAHORE > National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on Monday requested an accountability court of Lahore to extend the physical remand of accused in Saaf Pani company scam.

During the hearing of the corruption case, the anti-graft watchdog pleaded the extension of physical remand of Qamarul Islam Raja and Waseem Ajmal, charged in the case, in order to carry out further investigation.

The court then extended the physical remand for 14 days.

On June 26, NAB arrested Engineer Qamarul Islam Raja – former chairman of Saaf Pani Company – for reportedly awarding contracts to ‘favourites’.

The National Accountability Bureau Lahore has so far summoned a number of high profile people in the case including Punjab Finance Minister Ayesha Ghaus Pasha, MPA Waheed Gul and Hamza Shehbaz in connection with a probe into the Saaf Pani Company scam.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar had taken a suo motu notice pertaining to non-provision of potable water to the people of Punjab.

Punjab Chief Secretary Zahid Saeed had earlier conceded before the Supreme Court that a single drop of water couldn’t be made available to the people of the province despite the government having spent Rs4 billion on the Saaf Pani Project.

Maryam’s request to ‘become a teacher in jail’ rejected

RAWALPINDI > Authorities in the Adiala Jail have turned down a request of Maryam Nawaz, daughter of imprisoned former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, to teach inmates in the Jail.

The request of Maryam Nawaz was turned down because she is kept in a solitary confinement and under the prison rules she cannot interact with other inmates.

Meanwhile, a legal team of Sharifs was allowed to meet the former premier and his daughter in the jail couple of days ago.

It is also reported that son-in-law of Mr. Sharif, Capt (retd) Safdar is not in solitary confinement and has been kept with former additional district and sessions judge Raja Khurram Ali Khan who along with his wife was convicted in the housemaid torture case.

On July 21, public went into frenzy after a tweet was posted from Maryam Nawaz’s verified Twitter account for the first time since her incarceration in the Avenfield case.

The tweet shared a couplet by one of Urdu’s greatest poets Faiz Ahmed Faiz. It’s not yet confirmed whether Ms Nawaz personally tweeted it or somebody from her social media account posted it to push the party narrative.

An accountability court on July 6 handed Nawaz Sharif 10 years in jail for owning assets beyond income in the Avenfield properties corruption reference. The case was filed by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

His daughter Maryam Nawaz was given seven years for abetment, and her husband Captain (retd) Safdar was given one year for non-cooperating with the anti-graft authority.

Captain (retd) Safdar was arrested on Sunday, July 8 while Maryam Nawaz and Nawaz Sharif were taken into custody and shifted to Jail after they returned home on July 13, Friday.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Smartphone makers won't give up on fordable screens. Do we really want them?

Samsung and other Smartphone makers seem determined to progress with "fordable" screens, a long-discussed feature that could herald the next wave of phone innovation – or another costly mistake.

The pursuit dates at least as far back as 2011, when Samsung revealed an early prototype of its flexible display technology. That Samsung has been working on a flexible phone ever since is by no means a state secret, though the South Korea-based mobile company's chief DJ Koh has kept any roll out plans close to the vest.

On Thursday, The Wall Street Journal, quoting unnamed sources, said Samsung plans to deliver a fordable screen phone early next year. This could mean at or around the time of the annual Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona, Spain, in February, after Samsung’s next “Unpacked” press gathering on Aug. 9, where the company is expected to focus on a new Galaxy Note 9.

The Note, and the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus, represent the two pillars in Samsung’s mobile family. Presumably, a fordable phone based on a flexible OLED screen could create a third flagship category for the smartphone giant.

Samsung told USA TODAY it doesn’t comment on rumors or speculation.

It’s not just Samsung that has a case of the bends. China’s Huawei is racing ahead to produce its own fordable display phone. Richard Yu, Huawei’s CEO of the consumer products group, has confirmed the company has a working prototype and such a phone is likely to be released in 2019. Lenovo-owned Motorola reportedly is developing a fordable phone as well.

Meanwhile, phones with other funky design twists also are coming out of Asia, from such Chinese brands as Oppo and Vivo that are unfamiliar to most American consumers.

Last year, yet another Chinese company, ZTE, started selling the Axon M with two screens. But it was a bulky design with non-flexible displays that were separated by a hinge, so it is very different from what Samsung and others are up to.

Whenever Samsung’s fordable phone is finally in the fold, we’re brought to the question – is this a device consumers will ultimately want, much less need? 

The answer depends on the design of the device itself and how well Samsung navigates the oft-fine line between something that’s cool but gimmicky and something that provides genuine utility. All of us would presumably love something that is light and compact enough to carry stash in a pocket or purse, but flexible enough to easily expand when we want to stare at a larger display.

Samsung’s phone, believed to be called the Galaxy X (though it reportedly goes by the internal code name “Winner"), is expected to have around a 7-inch tablet-sized screen. When folded like a wallet, the exterior of the phone will reveal some sort of display on one side and the cameras on the other, the Journal reports.

There’ll be the usual concerns about battery life and durability, of course.

And then there’s the price, which could swell up to $1,500, the Journal says. That would put off many mainstream buyers. 

We do know the foldable phone will garner plenty of global attention –  with all the swirling rumors it already has. 

Smartphone innovation has run smack into a wall the past few years. But now we’re beginning to see hopeful cracks. Apple’s $1,000 iPhone X ditched the Home button in favor of Face ID and new navigational gestures, elevating facial recognition technology. Expect Apple to continue on this path.

We’re starting to see some intriguing, if unproven, smartphone designs out of China. The bezel-free Vivo Nex Android smartphone has a fingerprint sensor embedded in the screen and a selfie-camera that pops out from the top of the device. It also removes the carved out “notch” or black bar that covers up the cameras and sensors on other phones with narrow bezels, such as the iPhone X.

The Find X from Oppo also removes the notch and bezels. Its particular circus act is revealed when you choose to shoot pictures: a concealed motorized tray slides up with the phone’s front and rear cameras. 

In the U.S., a maker of high-end cameras for Hollywood RED has announced the RED Hydrogen One smartphone that is billed as the world's first "holographic media machine that fits in your pocket." Images are meant to pop out of a camera – like watching a big-screen 3D movie – but with no glasses. The phone, which will be carried by AT&T and Verizon, is due out in August.

Meantime, you’ll soon be hearing a lot more about handsets capable of exploiting the souped-up 5G speeds coming when the next generation wireless networks are deployed in a few places later this year, with more markets in 2019 and beyond. What that suggests is that even if the handset itself doesn’t carry a fresh or unusual design, a turbocharged performance may change how you use your phone.

Of course, not every attempt at innovation pans out. Google shelved its Project Ara modular phone – the idea was that hardware modules and components could be updated and swapped over time. 

LG's own attempts with a modular phone approach met a similar fate.

A telling sign that the Essential Phone developed by Android founder Andy Rubin appears to be barely making a go of it was its $250 price on Amazon Prime Day, half off its regular price. And it used to cost around $700. You were meant to attach a series of modular accessories, but the first of those, a 360-degree camera, is now down to $19. It once was at $199.

Even at that, Motorola is still plugging along with the various snap-on Moto Mods accessories that can transform its Moto Z series smartphones into a projector, boombox, game pad or give it a battery boost.

Bringing out new technologies and features is always a tricky business, and I’m hoping Samsung, Apple, and their rivals continue their pursuit while being mindful of taking things too far. 

I was critical of some past Samsung devices for piling on so many features that they felt like parlor tricks – like on 2013’s Galaxy S4 which, among other features, let you wave your hand over pictures in the photo gallery to advance from one shot to the next. It made for a cool demo but I never used the feature in practice. 

I praised Samsung when it subsequently toned down the act on future Galaxy devices.

So the onus is on Samsung – and the other companies chasing the future – to strike that difficult balance. If they can pull it off, we might be able to look forward to a fresh period of phones to get excited about.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, rebuked for comments on Holocaust deniers, tries to explain

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg tried to walk back remarks he made on a podcast saying some people who deny the Holocaust aren't doing it intentionally.

During a wide-ranging interview on tech website Recode, Zuckerberg addressed the spread of misinformation on Facebook and how the social network plans on addressing concerns it's still giving outlets a platform to publish false news for its 2.2 billion users. 

In one segment, Zuckerberg addresses how Facebook prefers to limit the distribution of misinformation, only removing content if it causes physical harm or personally attacks another user.

"I’m Jewish, and there’s a set of people who deny that the Holocaust happened," said Zuckerberg. "I find that deeply offensive. But at the end of the day, I don’t believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong."

The remarks drew backlash from critics who charged Zuckerberg with defending people who think the Holocaust didn't happen.

"Holocaust denial is a willful, deliberate and longstanding deception tactic by anti-Semites that is incontrovertibly hateful, hurtful, and threatening to Jews," said Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, in a statement. "Facebook has a moral and ethical obligation not to allow its dissemination."

In a statement, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean and director of global social action for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, called Zuckerberg's comments "wrong."

"The Nazi Holocaust is the most documented atrocity in history," said Cooper. "Allowing the canard of Holocaust denial to be posted on Facebook, or any other social media platform, cannot be justified in the name of 'free exchange of ideas' when the idea itself is based on a falsehood."

Amid the uproar, Zuckerberg released a statement to Recode clarifying his comments. "I personally find Holocaust denial deeply offensive, and I absolutely didn’t intend to defend the intent of people who deny that," he said to Recode.

He did not say Facebook would change its position on pages, including Holocaust deniers, engaged in spreading false information, which is to make it harder for users to find the content in their news feed -- but not to remove them from the site. 

Zuckerberg's remarks come at a time when Facebook continues to draw heat over how it plans to stop false information from proliferating on its service. Earlier this week, the social network was scolded over allowing Infowars, a site known for spreading conspiracy theories, to retain a presence on the network.

During the Recode interview, Zuckerberg reiterated while posting fake news won't warrant removal, Facebook can still opt to limit how those posts or stories spread.

"What we will do is we’ll say, 'Okay, you have your page, and if you’re not trying to organize harm against someone, or attacking someone, then you can put up that content on your page, even if people might disagree with it or find it offensive,'" he said. "But that doesn’t mean that we have a responsibility to make it widely distributed in News Feed."

Election 2018: Who can cast votes or not

Election 2018 has been set up in Pakistan and where political parties are in the field to attract voters with their full preparation, the Pakistani citizens in the past have some duties of voters.

The vote is a sacred national duty, which is legally obligatory on every Pakistani who meets the conditions of the vote, should vote for such people of political, social and religious commitment that are right to vote.

Who is entitled to 'vote'?

  • Eighteen years and every Pakistani citizen of her age can cast her vote.

    • Adult opinion is equal to men and women, and women can cast their votes based on equality.
    • The voter must have Pakistan's identity card, which will be the source of his identity while voting.
    • Voter's name must be in the voter list, if the voter list does not have an entry register, the voter can not cast his vote. Checking the name of the voter is the constitutional responsibility of the voter. Voter can find his polling station by sending his identity card number 8300.
    • The relevant constituency must be coveted, the resident of another circle can not cast a vote in the relevant circle. If the identity card has been created from the constituency, if the voter has left the circle, it is the responsibility to update his constituency to the Election Commission on the basis of his current address.
    • To vote cast, the voter's mental health is very important, it is mandatory that a competent court has not given birth to Knewer.
    • Voter should go to the polling station station, he can not nominate any person to cast his vote, and legally nobody can cast another voter's place.
    • Understanding all the registered voters of Pakistan on 25 July, prior to their national responsibility, keep them informed about their polling stations and vote on election day. You and your next generation survival in vote payment.

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    If opportunity comes, Pakistan will build Turkey and Malaysia, Shahbaz Sharif

    Pandy Gheep: PML-N President and former Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif has said that if the people have re-elected and God gave the opportunity, Pakistan would make Turkey and Malaysia.

    Addressing the general public in Pandy Gupta, Shahbaz Sharif said that the leader of the country and nuclear power and the leader who took out the issue was arrested before the daughter.

    He said that the economy was bad when the PML-N got the government, but we took measures and overcome the problems, in our times the dollar was Rs 100 but today it reached 130 rupees.

    Shahbaz Sharif said that in our times Chautal and Atak were made hospitals, we provided free loans to small farmers, if the people again again gave opportunity to make Turks and Turks a country.

    The PML-N president said that the CP-C Kamambarth route is going through here, employment in Attak, Chakwal will bring industrial estate in this context, and if Allah gave the opportunity, a village would bring Sui gas to Danish village. Kadada Parkakiya, a medical college, will now be constructed in the Technical District at District Atak.

    While criticizing the Chairman of the Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Shahbaz Sharif said that Imran Khan gave the Fraud Company a contract to the Metropolitan Metro, if the Punjab government did so, NAB would punish us with blackwater. He further added that Imran Khan drowned the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and his rage was like empty Khan.

    Dollar spikes to high of Rs129.50 in open market

    KARACHI > The value of US dollar on Thursday, hit a high of Rs128.48 in interbank trading while Rs129.50 in open market after an increase of 48 paisa in interbank market and 50 paisa in open market respectively.

    This hike in dollar value would be a reason for an increase in the prices of petroleum products, eatables, dairy products, mobile charges, transport and vehicles.

    With a sudden increase in the dollar’s value, there is a possible threat of inflation and economic instability.

    According to economists, the value of Pakistani rupee is declining due to increased imports, low remittances, debt and interest payments.

    Katrina Kaif assures she isn’t a part of Salman Khan’s Bharat

    It's a mutual decision between both Katrina and team Bharat

    MUMBAI > Bollywood diva Katrina Kaif is no longer part of Salman Khan starrer Bharat due to last minute changes in the script, reported an Indian news channel.

    A close source of the team said, “The character that she was supposed to play isn’t adding much of an importance to the story. So the makers decided to go against the character and drop it; instead of having a leading actress like Katrina sign up for a role and then regret doing it.” it’s a mutual decision between both Katrina and team Bharat and it has all been finalized on an amicable note, it added.

    When Katrina was asked to comment whether she’s a part of Bharat, she said, “I am not a part of that film. My next is Remo D’Souza’s film with Varun (Dhawan), which I am going to start work on, after wrapping up Aanand L Rai’s film, Zero. There is still a little bit of work left to complete that film. I should start work on the dance film by the last quarter of the year.”

    Katrina Kaif is currently busy in her upcoming movies that include Zero with Shah Rukh Khan, Thugs of Hindustan with Aamir Khan and a dance film with Varun Dhawan.

    Jhanvi Kapoor’s most embarrassing moment involves Salman Khan and here is why

    Jhanvi Kapoor is new to films but she has spent her childhood amongst Bollywood stars due to her mother’s star status.

    In one of the media interactions, the 21-year-old shared her most embarrassing childhood memory that involves Salman Khan. In an interview with a leading daily, she said, “Once when I visited the sets of Wanted, Prabhudeva was rehearsing a dance sequence with Salman Khan and Katrina. I was around 10 or 12 then. I crept into the room where the dancing was taking place. I was so fond of dancing that I couldn’t resist myself. I stood in the corner, swaying to the beats of the song. I was busy enjoying dancing and didn’t realise Salman had spotted me. He called me and asked me to dance in the middle of the room. I went ahead and danced happily, while the others stood around me. Back then I thought they were all appreciating my moves but when I think about it today, I’m so embarrassed!”

    Well, that is interesting!

    Jhanvi is all set to make her debut in the upcoming film, Dhadak which is directed by Shashank Khaitan, produced by Dharma Productions.

    PHC orders NAB to investigate ‘shady’ Peshawar Rapid Bus project

    PESHAWAR > The Peshawar High Court (PHC) ordered on Thursday the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to launch investigations into the Peshawar Sustainable Bus Rapid Transit Corridor (BRT) Project.

    A division bench of PHC, comprising high court Chief Justice Waqar Ahmed Seth and Justice Mussarat Hilali, has directed NAB Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to probe the alleged irregularities in the what is termed as the first major transit project in the city.

    In its order, the judges said they feel it is “appropriate to refer the matter to the NAB authorities” to conduct a proper investigation.

    The order stated that only 50% of the work has been completed as yet but the project was supposed to be completed by June 24.

    The deadline for completion of the BRT project was repeatedly extended. The first deadline was April 20, which was extended by a month to May 20.

    Initially, Rs49.3 billion was approved for the project, but the cost was later revised to Rs67.9 billion due to several delays in the project.

    The court said it had been informed that the project’s contract was awarded to a firm that had been black-listed in other provinces in the same kind of work.

    “The amount has been allocated for this project without considering the fact that other projects were also necessary and important for public purposes,” read the order.

    The delays in the project, as well as other issues relating to the Peshawar BRT, were deemed “shady and shaky” by the court.

    The court told NAB to investigate the matter and submit a report before the next hearing, which is scheduled for September 5.

    Earlier this month, NAB KP asked the Peshawar Development Authority to submit the record of the mega-project, after anti-graf buster’s Chairman Justice (r) Javed Iqbal ordered an inquiry into alleged corruption and delay in completion of the BRT project.

    The main Players Pakistan Elections 2018

    The general elections on July 25 come after a brief but acrimonious campaign, complicated by a string of attacks of late.

    The election represents only the second democratic transition in a country ruled by the military for roughly half its history, and is considered a vital step for Pakistan, with its turbulent past.

    The main players in the polls include two who cannot even hold political office — former premier Nawaz Sharif, and the military — as well as the leaders of the three main parties.

    Imran Khan

    A former World Cup cricket hero turned politician, Khan has become the main opposition leader in recent years and makes no secret of his ambition to become prime minister.

    Known mainly in the West as a talented sportsman and infamous playboy, he presents a significantly more conservative and devout face to Muslim Pakistan.

    His Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, founded in 1996, has governed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa but long had to settle for a handful of seats nationally.

    The fall of Sharif and the PML-N’s floundering campaign represents his best chance yet at the leadership, even if an outright majority remains uncertain.

    Critics consider him unfit for office. Some slam him for allegedly keeping a soft corner for the Taliban and attack his repeated calls for talks with violent insurgent groups.

    Shahbaz Sharif

    Nawaz’s younger and less charismatic brother, Shahbaz became president of the PML-N after his elder sibling was ousted, and is theoretically leading the party into the vote.

    His quieter style is being overshadowed by his brother’s loud quarrel with the military. But he occupies a key position in politics, having spent more than 10 years as chief minister of Punjab province, which represents over half the country’s population of 207 million.

    Shahbaz, also an influential businessman, is reputedly less stubborn and therefore more acceptable to the establishment than Nawaz or his anointed political heir, daughter Maryam, who has also been jailed for corruption.

    There has long been speculation that the two brothers have clashed over their political differences, but they have never corroborated the claims.

    Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

    His mother Benazir Bhutto, the first woman to lead a Muslim country, was assassinated in 2007. His grandfather Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, also a prime minister of Pakistan, was hanged in 1979.

    At 29, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has made a political debut and the chance of election victory for his Pakistan Peoples Party is yet to be seen — though he could become kingmaker by joining forces with the PML-N or PTI, if either fail to win an outright majority.

    The task would be difficult for the scion of a family who once dominated Pakistani politics but whose party is now in decline, even challenged in their stronghold in Sindh.

    His father, Asif Ali Zardari, being alleged over numerous accusations of corruption, has previously been president of the country from 2008 to 2013. There is speculation he could seek the post again — or demand other concessions — in any coalition deal.

    Nawaz Sharif

    Sharif was thrice prime minister but has never completed a term, his latest ending when he was ousted by the Supreme Court last year and banned from politics for life over corruption.

    The saga reached its peak earlier this month, when he was sentenced in absentia to 10 years in prison. Sharif spectacularly returned to Pakistan from London a week later and was arrested.

    Sharif claims he is being targeted by the establishment. Analysts say he has returned to fight for his political life, as his Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party stumbles in the campaign.

    His current dispute with the establishment — with which he was once close — is largely attributed to his desire to shift power to the civilian government, and to seek warmer diplomatic relations with arch-rival India.

    The military

    The army, perceived as the country’s strongest institution, has ruled Pakistan for roughly half its nearly 71-year history, and is widely believed to control foreign and defence policy.

    In the face of suspicions by activists and a few political groups, the army has denied the claims and says it is playing “no direct role” in the election.